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Classes start week beginning Monday May 13th 2024

Cost and Enrolment


The cost for classes is £165 per ten-week term for returning students and £195 for new students.

Fees are non-refundable, but students are very welcome to swap between levels and language if appropriate.

Places are on a first come first served basis. If you would like to enrol please contact us.
We recommend you email Susan to get an idea as to exactly what the best level is for you. 



Wednesday 08.45-09.30 French Stage 1 

Thursday.    19.15- 20.00 French Stage 2

Thursday     12.00-12.45 French Intermediate

Wednesday 19.15-20.00 French Intermediate conversation 

Tuesday       08-8.45 French Advanced/higher intermediate

Thursday     13-.30-14.15 French Advanced    

French Stage 1 

This starts completely from scratch.

We will be looking at subjects like your family, work, where you live, leisure activities, learning to make basic conversation, listening to recordings and covering basic grammar. We will look at the present tense, and the genders masculine and feminine. We will learn basic conversation, saying who you are, where you live etc.


French Stage 2

This is aimed at people who have done a little French at school or did Stage 1 with me last term. There are two separate lessons at this level because the course was so popular last term I have needed two sessions to accommodate all the requests  


 French Intermediate at 12 oclock on Thursdays GCSE level 

This is aimed at people who have done a few years of French, perhaps the GCSE or completed a few terms in one of my classes. We will be covering subjects like your family, work, where you live, and leisure activities learning to make basic conversation, listening to CD and covering basic grammar.


French Intermediate at 19.15 on Wednesdays

This class is a roughly GCSE level. Students who speak other Latin languages or have studied them to A-level or degree level could join too. We listen to read, and discuss newspaper articles in French . As far as the grammar is concerned we'll revise the present tense, and masculine and feminine, singular and plural, and then look at the past and possibly future tenses in detail. We will also look at articles from the French  news.


French Higher Intermediate/advanced 

This is for people who have done a few years French at school, maybe many years ago up to O-level or GCSE, or perhaps A-level. We read newspaper articles together and discuss them . As far as the grammar is concerned we'll revise the present tense, and masculine and feminine, singular and plural, and then look at the past and possibly future, and conditional tenses in detail. We look at slang, and colloquial expressions.K


We'll also have a go at reading magazine excerpts, and writing short essays.


French Advanced

This is suitable for people who have A-level or possibly degree level French, and/or have spent some time in France. The class will be entirely in French. We will revise all grammar right through from the present tense to the subjunctive. We will look at articles from the French news. For example we might look at the French medical or education system if it is in the news and see how it compares with what is happening here.